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CompareNavitas Club Car Onward controllers unleash the full potential of your factory electric Onward golf cart motor, giving it a boost in speed, torque and battery efficiency (miles-per charge). Navitas Club Car Onward controller kits are compatible with almost all Onward models years. And yes, you read that correctly, you can pair a Navitas brand golf cart controller with your stock Club Car Onward Motor setup, and untap the inner giant of your factory cart!
When it comes to DC-to-AC power conversion, the Club Car Onward Navitas AC conversion is the most premium product on the entire market for your Onward. Navitas offers their award winning 5kW Club Car Onward AC Conversion kit paired with the Navitas 600-amp controller, which turns your cart into an absolute monster! Wake up your Onward and transform it into a speed-and-torque powerhouse with a Navitas Club Car Onward kit today.
Have questions about upgrading your Club Car Onward golf cart controller? No problem. Give us a call at 1-844-422-7884 and let our golf cart experts help you with all your golf cart parts needs today!